An IT certification will get your foot in the door for an IT job. Our checklistwill help you get organized, stay on track and start your IT career ASAP.

Get IT Done: How to Upskill, Certify and Get a Job FAST

One of the things that makes IT great is that you can upskill and train quickly so you can get a job fast. Employers use the CompTIA A+ IT certification to identify the best candidates for entry-level, high-growth IT jobs, like tech support and help desk technician. With CompTIA A+ and related training materials, you have access to everything you need to land your first IT job.

The key to getting into IT quickly is starting with a solid plan that includes deadlines and milestones so that you can dedicate your time to learning the skills you need for your new career. The following checklist will help you get organized and stay on track so you can start your new IT career as soon as possible.

 Choose your certification exam date and mark it on the calendar – this could be as soon as eight weeks if you already have a basic understanding of IT, or you may want to give yourself more time. It’s different for everyone, and with self-study options, you can move at your own pace. Whether you take your exam online or in person, set your date early so you can plan accordingly.

 Download the exam objectives for your IT certification and print them out.

 Create a study schedule, working backwards from your exam date, including when you’ll study (X hours per day or per week) and how (books, CompTIA CertMaster Learn, virtual classes, etc.).

 Add the exam objectives to your study schedule so you can get through all the topics and have time for review before your exam date. Pro tip: Some study materials, including CertMaster Learn, provide the study plan for you.

 Use the exam objectives as a study guide, marking off what you’ve mastered and highlighting what you need more work on.

 Take lots of notes and make sure you understand every section.

 Get hands-on experience with the devices you own, by helping out friends and family or with learning tools like CompTIA CertMaster Labs.

 Practice, practice, practice. Use flashcards, study with a partner or in groups to learn from others or use an exam prep tool like CompTIA CertMaster Practice to build your confidence ahead of your exam date.

On your exam day, it’s time to relax and focus. If you’ve followed your plan – you are ready. Remember what you’ve learned, and test with confidence.

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